Panties Blog
Brody Jenner is a reality TV fixture, and a self-proclaimed “sex enthusiast.” Whether or not you believe in his sexual prowess, these lovemaking lessons he shared with Men’s Journal are definitely sensible, like the importance of being able to laugh off any strange noises or other awkward moments, and having open and honest conversations about any fetishes or other desires. Read the full article here: Sex Advice from Brody Jenner
Anyone who’s been in a serious, long-term relationship or marriage knows that being coupled up isn’t always easy. There are external stresses that can affect your relationship, like work and finances, and of course, occasional disagreements about even the smallest of issues. When it comes to the tough times, sometimes you need to seek some advice from people who have been in your shoes before. And when you’re looking for some tried and true marriage advice, who better to turn to than people who know marriage best? This post from surveyed over 700 individuals who had been married for...
You know that saying, “Don’t fix what ain’t broken”? Well, it applies to date ideas, too. This post from The Peak makes a case for the classics, like a beach day during the summer or cool coffee date. You’ll be seeing the standard dinner and a movie date in a whole new light. Read the full article here: Five Foolproof Date Ideas
Remember when you and your significant other first met and it was nonstop flirting and butterflies? Wasn’t that fun? Just because you’re comfortably coupled up does’t mean the flirting has to, or should, end. This post from The Generous Wife shares a few tips for flirting with your significant other to keep things as exciting as they were when you first met. Read the full article here: Flirt
If you’re a good boyfriend or husband, you know that regular date nights are important for keeping the romance alive and making sure you and your sweetie stay connected, but going out so often can be a bummer on your bank account. This post from Bustle shares 16 budget-friendly and super fun date ideas from Reddit users to help spice things up without breaking the bank. Read the full article here: 16 Cheap Yet Romantic Dates From Reddit That Prove You Don’t Have to Spend a Bundle to Have a Blast With Your Boo
Your sex life should never have a checks and balances sheet attached to it, but so many of us use sex as a commodity during arguments or when we want our way. This post from Pulse explains the dangers behind seeing sex as any kind of commodity that can be bought or bartered for, and the benefits of making sex about pleasure, not politics. Some of us don’t even notice when we’re doing it; we want sex and we want it now so we remind our loved one of all the nice things we’ve done for them that week, trying...
Ask anyone, and the perfect date night with your significant other probably includes some time in the bedroom. But the romantic ambience doesn’t have to end with the candlelit dinner. This list from the Indian Panorama offers some tips for making your bedroom a romantic sanctuary, from dim lights and tons of sexy candles to making sure you have plenty of privacy to get down to business without any worries of the neighbors seeing. Read the full article here: Give Your Bedroom a Romantic Touch
You’ve heard of couples retreats, but have you heard of love retreats? This post from The Telegraph UK details the phenomenon, from the price tag (not small) to the itinerary (over 60 hours of life coaching and self love). There are a number of such retreats around the world, from retreats designed to help the brokenhearted get back on track to those that aim to give single women the tools they need to find love, and others for people who may be in relationships that aren’t seeing them to their full potential. They aim to help love-seeking attendees open themselves...
Besides not noticing when your significant other has gotten a haircut, the worst thing you can do is try to tell them how much they should spend on beauty services like a regular cut and color. This post from The Observer explains why this conversation can seriously mess with your marriage. Read the full article here: Marriage Advice: Don’t Mess With the Hair Budget
Reading is usually thought of as a solitary activity, but this post from The Generous Wife may have you rethinking that common misconception. They suggest creating a regular “story night” for you and your spouse, reading aloud to each other and getting lost in the story together instead of zoning out in your own little reading world. Just don’t fight over what to read. Read the full article here: On the Same Page