Panties Blog
Whether the statistic is totally true or not, an estimated two-thirds of women are wearing the wrong bra size. But with so many options of fabrics, fits, straps and various lingerie brands out there, how does anyone ever know what size is right for them? This post from the Belfast Telegraph provides a comprehensive guide for determining and finding the right size. Read the full article here: Why You Need to Make Sure That Your Bra Measures Up
Oftentimes giving other people relationship advice can help us to take a step back and look at our own relationship, and start to follow our own tips. This post from Times of India shares 7 great pieces of relationship advice that every parent should share with their child, and that every couple should follow in their own relationship as well. Read the full article here: 7 Relationship Tips You Can Give Your Child
When we first start dating someone, we often get so caught up in the excitement and newness of the relationship that we can become blind to any potential red flags our new partner may be exhibiting. But it’s important to take a step back and make sure you’re not going down a toxic path with your new beau. This post from Good Men Project points out 10 of the most toxic personality traits to look out for, and avoid. Read the full article here: Hazard: 10 Types of Toxic Relationships to Avoid Getting Involved In
As the name suggests, TED Talks often provide insightful and interesting information about technology, entertainment and design. But they can also be extremely helpful when it comes to interpersonal relationships as well. This post from Business Insider highlights 8 essential TED Talks to watch to help you save your relationship, whether you’re dealing with infidelity or just need to re-light the fire of desire. Read the full article here: 8 TED Talks That Will Help You Save Your Relationships
It’s hard not to let work affect us even after business hours have ended for the day, but it’s important to not let the stresses of your professional life affect your personal relationships. Here are some tips from Engaged Marriage that will help you keep your work life separate from your home life by teaching you how to decompress at the end of the day, and deal with work stresses in a constructive way. Read the full article here: 5 Ways to Keep Work Stress from Straining Your Marriage
If you’ve been married or in a relationship for a long time (we’re talking years and years), how often do you kiss your significant other? And we mean really KISS, not just a little peck on the cheek. If you’re having trouble remembering when your last truly great smooch sesh was, this kissing challenge from The Generous Wife may be just the thing you need to bring the romance back to your relationship. Read the full article here: Kiss Challenge
When it comes to various trends in fashion, it’s always fun to take a look back and see how much the styles have evolved throughout the decades. And when it comes to lingerie, it’s probably a good thing things *have* evolved. This video from Huffington Post shows how much lingerie has changed from the demure and totally covered up styles of the early 1900s to today’s flashier, overtly sexy fashions. Read the full article here: Watch How Lingerie Has Shrunk Over the Past 100 Years