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We can all agree that Tom Hanks is pretty much the best, right? When you’ve made the kind of movies he’s made, and seem like the kind of guy that he is, you just want to listen to him. And he has the best advice ever regarding love. When asked during a Tumblr Q&A, he was asked if there was a difference between a wise man and a foolish man when they fall in love. Hanks responded with a simple “Both have beaten the odds.” Spoken like a man with just the right mind when it comes to love. Read...
It can be hard to get into the mood with your wife when your surroundings are, let’s say less than organized, but what can you do? You have a family, and a family can be a very messy thing. But John and Sherry Petersik have developed the system to turn any house into a new, warm, and welcome. You could redesign the room, or get covers for all your furniture. You’d be amazed how much even a $20 paint job can do for the energy of a home. And just like that, you’ll feel right at home again. Read the...
: People love spending money. Making it, might be tough. And saving can sometimes be impossible. But that feeling of exchanging that thing you earned, for something you want? Amazing. But you’re not just spending on yourself. You have to make sure that your family is comfortable, and not just that you’re having fun. If you don’t have a FINANCIAL PLAN, if you don’t value SELF-RELIANCE, and if you’re not good at LIMITING yourself, you might not be that good with money. It’s not impossible to change though, and just think what you and your wife could use that money...
As Autumn approaches and the sun finally stops being entirely too hot, why not take your wife on a trip to the pumpkin patch? It can be a nice excuse to enjoy a pleasant walk with that special someone, and it ends with pumpkins (which are actually pretty great). You can use them to make a pie for dessert, or pretend to be kids again and carve them up for Halloween. Don’t let the season get you down, and have a nice, old fashioned Sunday out with the wife. Read the full article: 50 Fun, Fall Date Ideas
When was the time you took a nice, long bath? And I mean a proper one too. Not in some time tub, knees pressed against your chest, could barely get in let alone get out? It’s been ages for you, and it’s been even longer for your wife. So this holiday, why not remodel your bath? For a romantic surprise, you could install a vent free mini fireplace to make it nice and cozy, or you could get a sleek bath with room to spare. Or if you prefer showers with that special someone, consider making that bigger. Read the...
When you love someone, you’re terrified for their health. A stubbed toe could always be the one that ends them, and though you know that its fine, that doesn’t mean it’s not worth keeping an eye out. There’s a reason we have doctors, so we can keep a regular idea of what our health is like. Be sure to go with your partner on a regular basis, and get checked up too –never know what might be brewing in you too. Plus, this is a perfect excuse to take the person most important to you out on a post-doctor date....
Of the five scents, the one that we notice the least until we absolutely notice them. Even the slightest hint of a pleasant aroma can turn a mood. Hell, Disney World has perfected it to a science, and pumps nice smelling gas into the parks to help visitors feel relaxed. So, with the seasonal blues coming alongside the winter winds, maybe it’s time to invest in some cinnamon or pumpkin scents, and force those bad feelings away. Read the full article here: Making Scents
Between Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Snapchat, and whatever the hell picture sharing site becomes the new favorite for kids glued to their phones, the world has become a never ending stream of photos. And sometimes, they can be for a more useful purpose than to show off what you had for lunch. As Autumn changes the outside into a blend of soft colors and bright hues, it’s the perfect time to pull out your phone and take a nice picture with your spouse. Every chance to get close and be cute is well worth the two minutes to snap a picture....
Kids are a blessing, but also a handful, even when they’re on their best behavior. Work can make everything easier, while at the same time making everything more difficult. Everyone in the world has to work around a schedule, and sometimes that means taking advantage of whatever time you have. So, why not take her out on a mini-date? Just a quick trip to the coffee shop or bar, just for half an hour of alone time. It’ll do wonders for the relationship, and remind both of you why you love it so much. Read full article here: Mini-Date
Because you needed an extra reason to sleep in this weekend, a recent study has found that getting a full eight hours rest will not only help lower stress, but help raise libido by 14%. To help keep the bedroom a place of both relaxation and fun, do anything you to get those eight hours. Develop a bedtime routine, get comfortable, and have a nice glass of water before you tuck in. Your body will thank you both, in more ways than one. Read full article here: Sleep in, Because 8 Hours Rest Increases Sex Drive