Panties Blog
While kids may not have the life experience that we do as adults, they often have a greater understanding of the most important aspects of life than we do. There’s a strange and beautiful confidence that kids tend to have when they don’t have a jaded attitude about life and love yet, and we can all learn something from them. This post from Bustle has compiled a list of all the lessons on life and love that kids seem to have down to a T that we could stand to learn something from.
One of our favorites? The way kids can have a crush on anyone just because of their proximity to them. As adults, we’ve become so picky about which traits we’ll put up with and which qualities a potential match *must* have that we often pass on people who could be really great for us. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could go back to the time when the most important quality a potential date could was that that they lived near us? Continue reading for even more profound life lessons that twelve-year-old you totally understood.
Read the full article here: 16 Love Tips to Steal From Your Childhood Self