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If you’re married or involved in a serious relationship today, there’s a high chance you’re part of a loving and successful power couple. This article from The Globe and Mail describes the modern phenomenon of “personal growth marriages,” and some pros and cons to this high-powered, highly successful union. Gone are the days of finding a spouse primarily to help in a field or around the house, and here to stay are spouses that provide substantial support and opportunities for self expression. With self-expression, self-discovery and self-esteem held in much higher regard today than ever before, relationships and marriages have adapted to encourage and support these needs. The article argues that today’s marriages are the most successful marriages that the Western world has ever seen. Of course, there are both pros and cons to these cooperative couplings, with one of the biggest advantages being a more fulfilling, team-like partnership with your spouse in which both parties take care of one another equally. A few downsides to this kind of marriage? With such high expectations held of our spouses, there are far more opportunities for marriages to fail, and there is far greater demand on our time, both within the marriage and to explore our self-discovery independently.
Read the full article here: Are We in the Golden Marital Age?